viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

¿Cómo elegir un casino online?

¿Cuáles son el método para elegir un casino en línea?

Para elegir un casino online, la manera que te aconsejamos es de primero consultar una guía de casinos en línea. Por una parte, una guía presenta una selección de manera más seria de sitios webs donde jugar, y por otra parte, referirse a una guía de casinos es también una manera de seleccionar de manera inteligente una web ya que la información que se publica es neutra.

Modifique por tanto su comportamiento cuando busque una web de casino en línea en google: en vez de teclear "casino" teclea “guía de casinos en línea España" guía de casinos online en español”. Podrás ver una multitud de guías de juegos de dinero y además evitaras radicalmente los lugares de casinos que hubieras podido encontrar si solo hubieras puesto la palabra “casino” lo que te permitirá proteger de problemas futuros.

¿Cómo elegir su guía de casinos online?Pues primero escoge una guía que este en español y solo en español. Las webs que están en varios idiomas (lo puedes ver porque tienen un montón de banderitas de varios países) son guías realizadas en otro país y traducido directamente. A veces hasta la traducción está hecha por un software de traducción.

Por otro lado la información que encontraras no tiene nada que ver con lo que ocurre en España ya que no tienen ni idea de donde esta España, ya que ellos están basados en países que a veces ni son de la comunidad europea.
Entonces es imposible para ellos enterarse de lo que pasa en nuestro querido país.

Mira también el diseño. Hay muchas webs que tienen un diseño muy bonito porque en realidad son guías realizadas por casinos y por lo tanto la información que hay en ellas es dirigida a que escoja el casino para el cual trabaja. No hay ninguna imparcialidad y entonces es siempre mejor escoger guías de casinos en línea y en español que tenga un diseño más sencillo pero con información imparcial.

Por último, si quieres más información no dudes en contactar con la guía. Muchas guías tienen una página en una red social con el fin de tener informado a sus seguidores.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Manage Your Gambling Budget Successfully

It is very important when you are gambling online

to be extremely careful with your budget. If you want to be a successful player, it is not enough to possess gambling skills only, as the “art” of money management is just as important. It is simply impossible to win all the time, but it is possible to keep track of all your winnings and losses for avoiding unpleasant situations. If you lose more than you win, you will soon discover that you cannot afford going on with your gambling any more (because if you do, that would be a foolish and reckless decision). We all know that after a series of amazing winnings may follow a long series of bitter losses. You should not push your luck over and over again because you may not get what you have expected. If you want to be a happy gambler, then you must act with moderation and rationality. It is recommended that you should not count on your lucky stars too much, as you are the only one responsible for your own actions. You need to know that greedy expectations bring about useless and tardy regrets. A professional and complex casino player

is supposed to be able to manage his gambling budget successfully, taking into account the unpredictable nature of casino games. It is important to always be self-possessed and relaxed because this way you will easily notice when it is time to quit playing and go home (with money in your pocket). You need to know all the time how much you can afford to lose in order not to risk more money than you have. If you choose playing at online casinos, it will be much easier to you deciding when to stop. You must think in advance of a certain sum of money you are prepared to risk without endangering your total monthly budget. It is not good at all spending all your earnings on casino games. More than that, you need to be extremely careful and not turn your passion for gambling into a dangerous sickness. It is important for you to consider casino games as being nothing else but some entertaining activities. They are given negative connotations the moment the players forget their real purpose and invest in gambling activities more money and time than they normally should. The bad news is that they become addicted to casino games and even change their entire life accordingly. It is indicated that you should impose yourself a set of rules and not allow casino games control your existence and your money as well. You are the only one responsible with the management of your budget (including your gambling budget). The biggest danger when playing casino games is represented by the possibility of letting this activity becoming your weakness. If you are weak, then you are vulnerable and ready to do a lot of regrettable mistakes. It is true that you may find difficult interrupting a gambling session especially when you are losing. Though you are losing, you still want to play simply because you want to make up for your losses. It is good for you to stop playing before it is too late. It is also true that the more money you lose, the more money you are tempted to bet. This is why you must impose yourself a losing limit, no matter what. In case you have exceeded your budget settled for one day, you need not to think anymore but to stop playing on the spot. You will have so many opportunities to play again some other day. If you are pushing your luck too hard, you might irretrievably lose it. Another important observation is related to your state of spirit. In case you are nervous, tired or bored, you should not start playing, as you may be inclined to make a lot of mistakes, you would not make otherwise. Relaxation, optimism and self-confidence are the key words you need to always keep in mind if you want to have successful gambling activities. If you are nervous or tensed when you start playing you have all the chances to end your gambling session miserable and depressed. A bad state of spirit is going to bring about unwise betting decisions derived from groping and unclear situations. Thus, whenever you might feel nervous, tired or agitated, you should watch a movie instead or go out with friends. However, if you want to play by all means, it is recommended that you turn to online casinos, where you have the possibility of playing a lot of games free of charge. This might represent a good therapy for your unstoppable desire of playing. If you choose this path, your bankroll will be out of danger and you will have nothing to be sorry for. You are the only one responsible with your budget and no one else. Another extremely important tip dedicated to all gamblers that play for real money is represented by the fact they are supposed to decrease their next bets after they have won. The reason is simple: there are more possibilities to lose after you have repeatedly won. Thus, if you bet a lot of money, you will lose a lot of money. If you decrease your bet, you may lose as well, the only difference is that you will lose less. As the mater of fact, the whole secret about money management (when it comes to gambling activities) consists in making your best to minimize your losses.

In case you are interested in playing

, you need to be familiarized with the notion of “variance”. It is important to know that the variance is direct proportional with your risk. If your variance is low, your risk will be low too. On the other hand, you must be aware of the fact that there are more possibilities to be the beneficiary of small wins, and less to be the happy winner of big hits. This is about what chances you are ready to take and how much money you are willing to risk. Your expectations and your courage will be in charge in such situations. The higher your variance is, the more money you have to invest, but there is no doubt the results will meet your expectations if you are lucky enough. It is worth risking only if you strongly believe your budget allows you to act this way. It would be a foolish action to risk more money than you can afford (as you may equally win or lose). If you are only looking for having a good time and you are satisfied with small winnings, then there is no need of a substantial investment (you will avoid this way unpleasant situations that may occur).